QL Release Points. Lateral Line.

Video Transcript

Hey everyone, Dr. Alibhai here. Today, we’re going to release some tension in our lower back and lower mid-back, specifically targeting the thoracolumbar region. This area includes a muscle and a band of tissue known as the quadratus lumborum. Remember, your body functions along lines, so when this area is tight, it can also cause tension in your upper shoulder and mid-back.

We’ll focus on areas not directly on the ribs, but along the midline and up to the crest of the pelvis. To start, place the ball against the wall at the target point. I’ll demonstrate on this side so you can see. Lean into the wall, and shift your weight to close down on the ball. Then, sit back into a squat to increase the pressure against the wall.

Be careful not to push too hard—you don’t want to damage your wall as I have before. While maintaining pressure on the ball, reach your arm overhead, take a deep breath in, and exhale as you reach further, sitting back deeper into the squat. Focus on keeping the pressure consistent with the ball.

Now, move the ball to find another tender spot. Any tender area is fair game. Aim to keep the pressure about a 10 out of 10. As you breathe out, lengthen the stretch further. The objective here is to mobilize tissue that has become stiff, like gum that hasn’t been chewed for a while. It’s crucial to get these tissues sliding and gliding properly to improve your mobility and bring your body back into balance.

Try this technique two to three times on both sides. It’s a straightforward method to maintain the health of your spine, muscles, ligaments, and tissues. Let me know how it goes. Have a great day!

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