Rehab and Fitness at Stuart Chiropractic

Meet Your Trainer, Erza Teh
Erza has spent over 7 years training patients suffering from motor vehicle accidents, cardiovascular disease, strokes, sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. He is able to connect on a personal level with clients by listening to your story. He loves to use exercise, community and hope to help people maximize their potential and rebuild their health.
One on one gym and pool exercise training for the injured population. Suitable for people suffering from car accidents, musculoskeletal disorders, lower back pain, nerve pain, joint pain, osteoarthrtitis, disability and any other condition that causes physical limitations. Active rehab aims to improve mobility, functionality, daily activities, physical health and overall wellness.
Pool based active rehab (pool therapy) is especially useful for people who have difficulty exercising on land due to severe joint pain. Stroke patients also benefit greatly because water helps reduce muscle contractures.
Personal Training
One on one personal training for individuals with few to no physical limitations. Your goals may be weight loss, muscle gain, endurance, health, athletic performance or aesthetics. We’ll listen to your goals and help you achieve them safely.
Frequently Asked Questions
Difference Between Physiotherapy & Active Rehab / Kinesiology?
Physiotherapy involves hands on treatment, manual therapy and passive modalities. Active rehab/Kinesiology is specialized one to one personal training for the injured population. There is some crossover as both a Physiotherapist and Kinesiologist prescribe rehab exercises.
How are Kinesiologists Different from a Personal Trainer at a Gym?
Kinesiologists have completed 4-5 year bachelor degrees in Kinesiology/human kinetics. Kinesiologists usually have more training on how to manage and rehabilitate injuries.
Do I Have to Pay for my Own Gym Fees?
Yes, but if you have an ICBC claim then ICBC would cover it. Other insurance companies may cover it as well. If you are paying privately, we offer a 10% discount for 10+ session purchases or the option of a complementary 10 swipe pass.