Bird dog exercise

Video Transcript
Hey everyone, Dr. Alibhai here from Stuart Chiropractic. Today, I’ll demonstrate the bird dog exercise, which is crucial for lower back recovery. I’ve used this exercise since my own lower back injury, and I continue to practice it to maintain good health.
You’ll start on your hands and knees. If this is uncomfortable for your knees, feel free to place some towels underneath them. Ensure your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Keep your spine straight and your head in a neutral position, not lifted too high.
Push your hands firmly into the ground to stabilize your upper body. Draw your belly button towards your spine. A helpful cue is to imagine pulling your hands towards your knees, as if trying to slide the ground towards you. This movement engages your core and is an effective exercise for both your core and lower back.
Next, extend one leg behind you; I’ll demonstrate with my left leg. Keep your hip level—not raised—to ensure your leg extends straight back. This activates the glute on the extended side, supporting your lower back.
Hold this position for five seconds: five, four, three, two, one, then return your leg to the starting position. You can either rest it briefly on the ground or move directly into the next repetition. Perform six repetitions per side.
If this feels easy, which is a positive sign, add the opposite arm for a greater challenge. For example, as you extend your left leg, lift your right arm. Here’s how it looks: breathe in to prepare, breathe out as you extend your leg and arm. Keep your leg straight and your belly button drawn in, with the opposite arm reaching forward.
Hold each extension for five seconds before returning to the start position, and repeat this for six repetitions on each side. You can increase the difficulty by holding the pose longer.
Aim for four to five sets of this exercise for lower back recovery, or simply do six reps on each side as part of your warm-up routine. Let me know how this works out for you. See you soon. Bye now.